Nous sommes Spécialisé dans la capture de Moufette partout au Québec...

Nous sommes Spécialisé dans la capture de Moufette partout au Québec...
Extermination Exterminateur Capture Animaux Sauvages
Gestion parasitaires
Urgence 24H 514-915-3601
Montreal rat exterminator emergency | How to get rid rat in house | Westmount rat exterminator services
Rat Problems and Infestation
Got a rat problem? Let our expert get rid of your rat problems so you don’t have to! Many people want to know how to kill rats, but the reality is that killing the rats may not be the best solution to your rat infestation problem.
Rat Control Services: How to Get Rid of Rats
For professional rat control services from the rat control of our expert, please contact Us at 514-915-3601 Let the rat control professionals go to work for you! We will get rid of rats in your house or business!
How to Identify Rats
The most commonly found rat pest in Montreal is the Norway rat (Rattus norvegicus). The Norway rat is also called brown rat, house rat, sewer rat, and wharf rat. The Norway rat is generally considered the most important rat in Canada. It is found in every province.
Common Types of Rat Damage: Chewed Wires, Burrows, Contamination
Rats (Rattus spp.) have caused more human suffering and more economic damage than any other vertebrate pest. From causing plague epidemics (the "Black Death" of Europe) to rat-bite fever, whether feeding on stored grain or gnawing electric wires, rats are enemies of humankind. Statisticians estimate that rats destroy 20 percent of the world's food supply every year by feeding, and indirectly through contamination.
In most instances, rats are very wary. Hundreds may be nesting in a city block-in underground burrows, in sewers, on roofs, inside buildings-with few people in the area realizing it. Within a population, some rats will be easy to control, some difficult.
In Montreal there is 2.1 rats for every person.
How to Control Rat Situations and Infestations
Successful long-term rat control is not simple. The key is to control rat populations, not individual rats. Rat control requires an integrated approach that includes non-lethal tools such as careful inspections, upgraded sanitation, and rat-proofing structures. Lethal control often combines the use of rodenticides with non-toxic control measures such as snap traps or glue boards.
Rat Disease and Professional Rat Removal
Rats are responsible for the spread of many diseases. Sometimes they transmit the disease directly by contaminating food with their urine or feces. Sometimes they transmit disease indirectly, for example, when fleas first bite an infected rat, then a person. Some of the more important diseases associated with rats include Rat-Bite Fever and Leptospirosis. These diseases often share similar symptoms, and medical professionals must perform the proper diagnoses.
Control Rat Specialists
CWP rat control technicians are properly trained in how to get rid of rats and the elimination of rat problems using a variety of rat control techniques. These techniques include improving sanitation for the affected location, eliminating hiding places, exclusion and may also include lethal methods such as traps and rodenticides. Killing the rats may not be the best answer. Our professional wildlife professionals may not show you how to kill the rats but instead use rat repellents, rat fumigants and rat trapping systems to ensure the effectiveness of the rat control method, without physically harming the rats.