Nous sommes Spécialisé dans la capture de Moufette partout au Québec...

Nous sommes Spécialisé dans la capture de Moufette partout au Québec...
Extermination Exterminateur Capture Animaux Sauvages
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Urgence 24H 514-915-3601
Montreal groundhog exterminator | Woodchuck removal Laval | Gopher exterminator Montreal
Montreal groundhog exterminator, gopher removal, woodchuck trapper Montreal
How To Get Rid of Woodchucks
Woodchuck removal service
SOS Faune specializes in wildlife removal and wild animal mangement. Our professional team knows that when you have a woodchuck problem, you want it solved as quickly as possible. We will remove woodchucks from your home and property. Call us today for a home inspection.
Groundhog Trapper
The professional animal trappers at SOS Faune have extensive experience in trapping nuisance groundhogs. Our trappers will work with you to identify all areas of gopher infestation. SOS Faune uses humane methods to trap gopher.
Gopher Control
Patrick from SOS Faune knows that all wildlife control situations are unique. We will work with you to assess your gopher issue and devlop a safe, humane and effective gopher control plan.
Groundhog Exterminator
Extermination may not be the best method to get rid of groundhogs. These pesky critters are more effectively managed with a wildlife control plan that includes trapping, exclusion and habitat modification. SOS Faune can help identify and establish an effective and humane woodchuck management plan that can avoid extermination.
Woodchuck Problems
Woodchuck damage
Woodchucks are often considered nuisance wildlife to humans and vast amounts of damage are credited to the woodchuck. The burrows and tunnels create problems for landowners. Their feeding habits can give landowners headaches, as woodchucks will browse on vegetation in flower and vegetable gardens, and also gnaw and chew on trees and woody structures. Woodchucks can cause extensive damage in a short period of time.
Groundhog in attic
Though unlikely, it can happen. Woodchucks have been known to climb, burrow and fall into homes and could wind up in your attic or basement. Don't panic if you find one of these furry critters in your home. The experts at SOS Faune can quickly trap and remove woodchucks.
Gopher damage repair
If a woodchuck has caused damage to your home or property, Patrick from SOS Faune has the skills and expertise to repair all woodchuck damage and install exclusion devices to prevent future woodchuck infestations. We can trim damaged trees, repair holes in your home and install barriers and screening.
Health Concerns from Gopher
Woodchucks are occasional carriers of rabies, tularemia, and plague.
Woodchuck Facts
Groundhog habitat
The woodchuck is commonly referred as a "ground hog." Woodchucks range from the eastern states to the Great Plains, and throughout Canada. The woodchuck habitats include forested areas, decks, sheds, patio slabs, gardens, rock walls, and open farmlands surrounded by wooded and/or brushy areas. They are excellent diggers and can dig under decks, sheds, patio slabs and rock walls.
Gopher Behavior
Gophers are active in the daytime, are solitary, and are occasionally found climbing trees. Woodchucks have 2-6 young annually. Groundhogs are strictly vegetarians that forage on fruits, grasses and plants in flower and vegetable gardens. They hibernate from late October to March or April depending on their geographic location.
For all concern about Groundhog removal service call 514-915-3601